2008年10月30日 星期四

Article 5

Nine dead in Congo after panic and looting break out

A number of people have been killed after overnight looting and panic gripped a Congolese town besieged by a rebel army, according to reports. UN radio said nine people were shot amid gunfire and looting in Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo on the border with Rwanda.
The fighting has sent tens of thousands of civilians running for their lives in North Kivu province, where aid workers say two years of violence has forced nearly 1 million people from their homes despite the end of Congo's broader 1998-2003 war.Wars caused many deaths and injured. That is horrible and cruel. People in Africa live in poor and hard conditions. Thus, they want to use their natural resources to earn some money to support their family. With more and more people want to make a living by natural resources, argument and fight begin. There are not enough trees for people to exploit. Therefore, the illegal exploitation of natural resources happens. It is a bad situation. It not only makes resources exhaust but also worsen people’s living environment. Thus, people can’t live on the environment. Instead, they use force to rob others’ resources. Such a vicious circle repeats again and again. If the situation were not improved, it would be worse and worse. We should take some measures to help those people and set them free from the hard condition.

2008年10月23日 星期四

Article 4

For three decades, China has fueled its remarkable economic rise by becoming the world’s workshop and unleashing a flood of low-priced exports. But faced with a possible global recession and weakening demand for Chinese exports, the authorities concerned now think the methods to prevent financial crisis.

The question is not just for China but for the rest of the world. Chinese economic growth is important to the global economy while United States and Europe face severe downturns. What China do will influence the whole world. However, some analysts say the most important for China to do is to steady nation economy.

This solution made me think what my mom told me. When she was a child, Taiwan’s economy started to flourish. It was a hard time. She knew the painstaking of life at that time, so when she read the report about china’s economic recession, she could know Chinese pain. They were just about to enjoy their better life, and economic got to decline due to the world’s slump.
After hearing what my mom said, I feel my life good. I cannot complain anymore. I should cherish what I have now, and keep China’s question in my mind. Maybe someday Taiwan will encounter the question again. If it really happens, I won’t suffer so much pressure.

2008年10月17日 星期五

Article 3

Schoolyard Bullying: Which Kids Are Most Vulnerable?
Playground gibes are a rite of passage for most school-age kids, but for some children, teasing at school can turn into outright violence and abuse. And a new study suggests that a child's risk of becoming a chronic victim of bullying may depend on factors that appear much earlier in life. Researchers predicted several factors about children’s behavior. The best predictor was early childhood physical aggression.
In my opinion, I think it is a serious problem that everyone should take notice of it. Schoolyard bullying happens in Taiwan from time to time. There are some reasons that may cause schoolyard bullying - physically aggressive behavior in the child, harsh parenting methods (like "overly punitive" responses to kids' bad behavior) and low socio-economic status. Those children seem to be the minority in society. How to deal with these problems? I think we should be more concerned about the minority and urge the government to set up laws that benefit those in need. A sound family will provide a great environment, and children will grow up happily and healthily. Most important of all, school teachers should take good care of their students. If there is something wrong, they should take some measures to prevent trouble immediately. After all, teachers have more time getting along with students. Schools are the places where children can both learn knowledge and have fun. The bad behavior really should get out of campus.

2008年10月10日 星期五

Article 2

India's chaotic roads are now officially the most dangerous place to drive in the world. Last year road accidents claimed more than 130,000 lives. It seems no modification because India does not have any clear policy on preventing fatal accidents or even a target for reducing road accidents.

This is a very serious problem. Now India’s economy is growing rapidly and people’s life seems much better than before, but it seems that traffic does not have much change. Though ministers are considering a range of new measures, such as making airbags and anti-braking system mandatory in all cars, there are still many car accidents happening every day. There is a common situation in India, where seat belts are rarely worn. I think India government should educate their people traffic rules and initiate them the importance of wearing seat belts.

Rohit Baluja of Delhi's Institute of Road Traffic Education says "the real issue is not car design but road design. Imagine that there are cows, elephants and camels as well as cycle-rickshaws driven on road in the same time. Delhi alone has 48 different "modes of transport". They do not design traffic management systems to separate different streams of traffic.

In Taiwan, I think we have the same problem. More and more people now go to work by bicycle, but the road design and the law are not sound enough. Therefore we still can hear some accidents happening. If our government place importance on it and actually improve it, I think there will be fewer accidents in the future.

2008年10月7日 星期二

Article 1

US$6.1 bil. pledged for climate change

Industrialized countries pledged more than US$6.1 billion to international investment funds aimed at helping developing countries adopt cleaner technologies and mitigate growth in greenhouse gas emissions.

With the development of technology and industry, people’s lives become more and more convenient. However, we don’t think of that such fast development also brings us a lot of problems, for example, global warming. The climate change is mainly caused by overusing some chemical elements and fuels. In order to mitigate climate change, some developed countries get together to solve the problem. These ten countries pledged more than US$6.1 billion on this project.

The problem of climate change has become worse and worse. As a global citizen, I should concern about the environment more. After I read the news report, I am very glad to see countries regardless of race and economic level help each other. This is not just a country’s own problem. It will influence the whole world. Disburses money richly, powerful output. Therefore, the world would be more harmonious. Though every country makes efforts to mitigate climate change, we could not wait until injure already created then recover. All we can do is start from ourselves. Turn off the appliances when you don’t need them. Take public transportation as possible as you can. Though it seems nothing to do with the earth, as long as everyone does it, it will take effect.