2008年10月10日 星期五

Article 2

India's chaotic roads are now officially the most dangerous place to drive in the world. Last year road accidents claimed more than 130,000 lives. It seems no modification because India does not have any clear policy on preventing fatal accidents or even a target for reducing road accidents.

This is a very serious problem. Now India’s economy is growing rapidly and people’s life seems much better than before, but it seems that traffic does not have much change. Though ministers are considering a range of new measures, such as making airbags and anti-braking system mandatory in all cars, there are still many car accidents happening every day. There is a common situation in India, where seat belts are rarely worn. I think India government should educate their people traffic rules and initiate them the importance of wearing seat belts.

Rohit Baluja of Delhi's Institute of Road Traffic Education says "the real issue is not car design but road design. Imagine that there are cows, elephants and camels as well as cycle-rickshaws driven on road in the same time. Delhi alone has 48 different "modes of transport". They do not design traffic management systems to separate different streams of traffic.

In Taiwan, I think we have the same problem. More and more people now go to work by bicycle, but the road design and the law are not sound enough. Therefore we still can hear some accidents happening. If our government place importance on it and actually improve it, I think there will be fewer accidents in the future.
